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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lessons Learned from the Worst Christmas Ever

Let me start by saying that I normally like Christmas. I like everything about it! The lights, the shopping (most of the time), the Christmas carols, movies and family traditions. Not that I am a Pollyanna personality, but I can over look traffic and parking issues during the holidays. Those things don't bother me. This year, I just wanted it to be over... I really just wanted to hide under a rock and wait it out. I would likely not have even decorated except that one of my daughters pushed the issue.

However bad it was-  I survived it! Life is much brighter now that it's over. Looking back over the past few weeks, there are some lessons learned.

1) Money is ALWAYS an issue and it is NOT the full blame for my Christmas blues. In my case, I would have been better served to give each of my kids a nominal amount of cash, than trying to worry about them having things to open.

2) Stress, guilt and anxiety robbed me of my Joy. I know it's not easy to make it go away, but the internal pressure to try to make a "good Christmas" sucked all the fun out of the season. Can you tell that I am my own worst enemy?

3) Now that it's over, I can appreciate that the anxiety has been lifted. I can enjoy  the little things again.

4) Life is better when shared. My favorite moments of the season were those spent with my family and not related to presents. I enjoyed my brother's Christmas party and my Christmas eve. It's NOT just a saying that the best things in life are free! The love and warmth of family and friends can NOT be bought or replaced!

5) As I make my plans, goals and resolutions for this new year, I want to say that I WILL NOT be the Christmas Grinch again!

6) Like a lot of moms, I have a short memory for things that are better left in the past. I have already almost "blacked out" the individual memories that made this the worst Christmas ever.

I guess the moral of my story is that life doesn't stay in that dark and scary place for too long. It's just so ironic that when we are in that dark place, we spend all our energy trying to endure the time that we can't see the obvious ways out.

Here's to a happier, healthier 2014!

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