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Monday, January 27, 2014

7 Ways to Deal with a Toxic Personality

After chatting with a colleague, I was inspired to write about dealing with people who have "Toxic Personalities." You know who they are: they are people who are poisonous for you to be around either personally or professionally. They mentally exhaust you- even when your interaction with them is limited.

Toxic Personalities: 

  1. Create Drama. Start a lot of their sentences with" Oh my God, did you hear about...?"
  2. Talk about others in a negative way- making you wonder, do they talk about you? Probably.
  3. Their best defense is a good offense! If you have a question or problem and they are involved, then clearly someone else is to blame. This is partly to re-direct your attention, but also to deflect your problem.
  4. Are nice to people to their faces, but turn around and tell you how much they dislike him or her. 
  5. Complain endlessly. Big complaints, small complaints. Complaining is their primary form of  communication.
  6. Are Condescending and NOT empowering. 
  7. It's all about them! They could be any combination of the following: self-centered, selfish, impersonal, negative, passive / aggressive, controlling, bad tempered.

How To Deal With Them: 
  1. Don't count on them as a true friend or confidant.They may be very capable or in a position of  authority, but see item #2 above. You do not want your personal or professional problems to be fodder for their negative comments.
  2. You can't change the other person! You can only change either how you deal with them or whether you HAVE to deal with them. Life is too short to spend major amounts of time with people who are toxic to you. Toxins are called that for a reason!
  3. Don't let their negativity define you! This is very difficult to conquer if the person is someone with whom you must spend a lot of time. For example, if this is just an occasional associate, minimize the amount of time that you need to spend with them. However, if they are a family member or someone with whom you are spending 40 hours a week, you may need to change your environment. Find ways to minimize your interactions with them. Utilizing the  "buddy system" might be helpful. It may not make the offending party behave, but you will feel better! Misery loves company. Silly, but true!  Also, it's very important to put positive messages in your daily routine. Whether you listen to motivational speakers, read articles or daily devotionals, take a few moments every day for positive thoughts.
  4. Use your support system to help keep your sanity! So many times, we think we are imagining the situation or that maybe it isn't as bad as we think it is. It's hard to be sure when your emotions are involved. Use your friends to talk it out. Making a sitcom of the situation (in your mind) and sharing a laugh will help you keep your sense of humor.
  5. Remember, "You know what you know!" Don't second guess yourself. You know when people are behaving badly and /or treating you or others poorly.
  6. There's an old saying, "Leopards don't change their spots." Don't expect it to get better just because the behavior hasn't happened in a while. People don't change without making a conscious effort to do so. Don't be lulled into complacency by thinking things have changed.
  7. Protect yourself. Do not let people put your health or well-being at risk.  Look out for yourself. Others can't do it for you. If this is a professional issue, take necessary steps to communicate your needs as effectively as possible. Protect your credibility.

Additional thoughts:

We do not get to choose our family members, work associates and bosses. We all have them whether they are supportive, dysfunctional or toxic. Some associations can be minimized. Some can be let go.
There are no "hard and fast rules" for relationships. Don't feel that you have to change who you are in order to deal with a difficult person or family member.

Lastly, life is short. You need to thrive to be happy and toxic people by their nature will not encourage that. It's up to you to work towards that end. Dark, bleak times happen to everyone. They don't last forever. Keep your head up and keep the positive dreams, thoughts and vision for your future.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Adventure #1- Happy Hour

In my last post about new ideas for 2014, I wrote about joining a social club. My motivation is that if I am not dating, or really, even if I am, I need to enjoy more of life. It's been a tough 3 almost 4 years. I don't want to miss out on my life when I could be doing more and enjoying more of it. Yes, my normal schedule is busy, but I do not want to work or do chores all of the time. Also, it's not realistic to expect my friends and dates to be the soul source of my entertainment. I do fully believe that life is better when shared, but I don't want to be a 3rd wheel all the time.

Well, today was my first happy hour with the one of the groups! I had a fun time... a successful time! Chatted with a few ladies at my end of the table- though there were many more people, both male and female, that I did not get to talk to. I consider it a success because 1) I would do it again 2) there were people there that I could see becoming real friends with.

Anyhow it seems I can be as active as I want to be. There are meet-up groups for almost everything. There are dancing lesson groups, intellectual groups, site seeing and day trip groups, etc. One of the ladies and I talked about taking a line dancing class That sounds fun and embarrassing at the same time! But, perhaps I will do it anyway!

I won't commit to how many outings I will attend or which type, but I will promise to write about the adventures! The mission is to have more fun in 2014, whether I am dating or not, whether my kids drive me crazy or not, or whether money is tight or not. You get the idea!

So, here's to being braver and more adventurous in 2014! Maybe we will all have a good time! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lessons Learned from the Worst Christmas Ever

Let me start by saying that I normally like Christmas. I like everything about it! The lights, the shopping (most of the time), the Christmas carols, movies and family traditions. Not that I am a Pollyanna personality, but I can over look traffic and parking issues during the holidays. Those things don't bother me. This year, I just wanted it to be over... I really just wanted to hide under a rock and wait it out. I would likely not have even decorated except that one of my daughters pushed the issue.

However bad it was-  I survived it! Life is much brighter now that it's over. Looking back over the past few weeks, there are some lessons learned.

1) Money is ALWAYS an issue and it is NOT the full blame for my Christmas blues. In my case, I would have been better served to give each of my kids a nominal amount of cash, than trying to worry about them having things to open.

2) Stress, guilt and anxiety robbed me of my Joy. I know it's not easy to make it go away, but the internal pressure to try to make a "good Christmas" sucked all the fun out of the season. Can you tell that I am my own worst enemy?

3) Now that it's over, I can appreciate that the anxiety has been lifted. I can enjoy  the little things again.

4) Life is better when shared. My favorite moments of the season were those spent with my family and not related to presents. I enjoyed my brother's Christmas party and my Christmas eve. It's NOT just a saying that the best things in life are free! The love and warmth of family and friends can NOT be bought or replaced!

5) As I make my plans, goals and resolutions for this new year, I want to say that I WILL NOT be the Christmas Grinch again!

6) Like a lot of moms, I have a short memory for things that are better left in the past. I have already almost "blacked out" the individual memories that made this the worst Christmas ever.

I guess the moral of my story is that life doesn't stay in that dark and scary place for too long. It's just so ironic that when we are in that dark place, we spend all our energy trying to endure the time that we can't see the obvious ways out.

Here's to a happier, healthier 2014!

Please feel free to leave me your comments or contact me directly.
Twitter   @nvalady1
or via email

Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Ideas in 2014

2014 has brought me some new ideas and new hopes. 

I wrote before that a friend had encouraged me to write a book about my online dating experiences. Instead, I started a blog... more or less to hold the memories and/or stories that I want to share. Then, almost immediately after I started the blog, I decided to quit online dating. As you can imagine, that hasn't added many more dates for me to write about.   

To be honest, when I deleted my online dating profiles, there had been someone that I had hoped to see again. It was the first date I had been on in a while that I was super excited about. So, what happened?  Well, for starters, he was a pilot, and was away more than he was in town. Secondly, I don't think he was particularly tech savvy- no texting or messaging. Lastly, I don't think the distance worked in my favor. It would have been nice to have "absence make the heart grow fonder", but alas, it did not work out that way. 
After leaving 2 chipper voice mails again this week telling him that I would like to catch up, I have deleted his number from my phone. 

So what's a girl to do now? I am still determined that I need more social activity to keep me balanced. 
I did something today that may prove interesting to my social life. I found 2 social groups that host different activities. One is a women's group, another a mixed group  that does more happy hour type stuff. 
I have signed up for 2 happy hours already! Perhaps I will have things to write about after all! 

I have also started writing some freelance articles on My second article should be published soon!  So, all in all, 2014 is starting off interestingly. Perhaps there is hope left in this middle aged discouraged body. Truly, I know there is hope. 2013 was not my year! 

Hoping happiness follows hope. In all honesty, I am still a hopeless romantic. Is that crazy?
Feel free to email me here or via twitter @nvalady1

#social clubs, #dating over 40,

Happy 2014 and God Bless!